Bow Tie clutch
Two new bags for November workshop
I think it is a quite elegant bag for everyday use and I am not really sure about the dotty leather handles. However, it looks fantastic!
This one is now at a shoe repair for handles to fixed. Hopefully, I will finish tomorrow.

Double clutch
To understand how to make these little ones took me forever. After third attempt I think I got it everything right. I have to because I have a workshop on Friday. To see right side red clutch you have to do some neck exercises :)
A new bag with an old frame
I made this bag couple of years ago and it has been my favourite bag. I think, bought fabric in France.
However, in one of my workshops a lady came with a big with same metal frame. I asked her to give me some measurements and here is the result.
Elmer, Patchwork Elephant
Some years ago a friend gave me David McKee's book Elmer. It soon became one of the favourite books of my children. Recently, I bought a book Sew It, Stuff It by Rob Merrett and there was a patchwork elephant. I did not like the actual size of the book (it seemed too big) and just reduced a little bit. I took the pattern to a copy shop to make it even smaller sized elephant. I cannot promise when I will make a patchwork elephant family. Here is the first patchwork elephant is standing proudly on my table.
Хэдэн жилийн өмн найз минь надад Давид Макки-гийн Элмэр гэдэг номыг охиддоо өгөөрэй гэж бэлэглэсэн юм. Энэ номонд олон өнгөтэй Элмэр зааны тухай гардаг юм. Бусад заанууд нь бүгд л саарал өнгөтэй ганцхан заан олон өнгөтэй байж бусдыгаа баяр хөөртэй амьдрахад нь тусалдаг. Олон төрлийн тоглоом хийх ном худалдаж авахдаа энэ л зааныг хийхээр шийдэж билээ.
Sun hat tutorial from the net
Six pieces and quick projects for couple of hours. A very quick tutorial with printable pattern.
Burda's sun hat
A year ago I bougth a Burda's pattern for little girls dresses and a hat but today I managed to make only a hat. For extra beauty made fabric or ribbon flower too. I found on youtube a tutorial.
Өнгөрсөн зун охиддоо платье хийхээр Бурдагийн эсгүүрийг худалдаж авсан юм. Харин жилийн дараа зөвхөн нарны малгайг нь оёлоо. Бага охин том болтол платье оёх хугацаа байж л байна даа.
A pencil case
Another little project made in a little time. It is nice to try to make new things. Here is my a pencil case and my DD2 has already eye on it.
DD2 summer skirt with a little bow at the back
One night I felt very creative. OK, in my opinion. And went to my studio or you can say sewing or craft room. Looked around my fabric thinking what I can do. I had ribbons and a little piece of white fabric and sewed for my DD2 a little skirt with a bow.
Нэгэн орой нэг л юм оёх хүсэлд автагдан даавуунуудаа харж суулаа. Нүдэнд цагаан даавууны хэсэг, ягаан тууз торж бантигтай даашинз гурван настай охиндоо урласан минь энэ дээ.
DD1 pyjama kimono
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