After checking on the internet London Gatwick airport's weather for several days and worrying too much about our travel to England with two young children we arrived without delays to our destinations. I have to say it was great weather, only if you do not have to travel from one place to another.
Lots of snow fell next day and it was magical! Still there after two days. Great fun for kids and for me too. I can hear under my boots noises of snow and fresh air to breathe. What else you can ask after living for nine yers in Lisbon, which hardly sees snow, only once in fifty years time. I experienced snow in Lisbon I have to admit. It was fantastic for young and old, but in many places it did not reach the ground, just melted on the air.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Монгол улсын ерөнхийлөгч Ц.Элбэгдорж Лиссабонд
Хүйтэн дайн дууссанаас хойш НАТО-гийн хэрэг байна уу үгүй гэсэн асуулт олонтаа гарч ирдэг болсон билээ. Хэрэгтэй гэдгийг нь батлахын тулд Португалийн нийслэл Лиссабон хотноо 28 орны тэргүүн, 30-аад орны Батлан хамгаалах Яамны сайд нар оролцсон уулзалт арваннэгдүгээр сарын 19-ноос 21-ны хооронд болж өндөрлөлөө.
Энэ уулзалтын хамгийн чухал зочин нь АНУ-ын ерөнхийлөгч Барак Обама байсан бол түүнтэй мөр зэрэгцэн Монгол улсын ерөнхийлөгч Ц.Элбэгдорж дэлхий дахины чухал асуудал болох Афганистанд болж буй үйл явдал, НАТО-гийн бүх гишүүн орон болон ОХУ-ыг пуужингийн цохиолтоос хамгаалах систем зэрэг чухал асуудлуудаар санал солилцсон.

Олон улсын чухал уулзалтанд оролцохын хажуугаар цаг зав гарган Португал улсад сурч, ажиллаж амьдарч буй иргэдтэйгээ ерөнхийлөгч Ц.Элбэгдорж уулзлаа. Ерөнхийлөгчийн хамгийн түрүүнд сонирхсон асуулт нь хүн ам, орон сууцны тооллогод оролцсон эсэхийг иргэдээсээ асуусан юм. Португалд амьдарч буй иргэд орон сууц, хүн амын тооллогод интернетээр идэвхтэй оролцсоноо илтгэв. Мөн уулзалтын үеэр гадаадад амьдарч буй монголчуудын сонгуулийн эрх, хоёр иргэншил, уул уурхай байгаль орчныг бохирдуулж буй асуудлаар ярилцлаа.
Уулзалтанд Монгол улсаас Бельги улсад суугаа Элчин сайд А.Баттөр, Гадаад харилцааны Яамны бодлогын зөвлөх Л.Пүрэвсүрэн нар байлцлаа.
Энэ уулзалтын хамгийн чухал зочин нь АНУ-ын ерөнхийлөгч Барак Обама байсан бол түүнтэй мөр зэрэгцэн Монгол улсын ерөнхийлөгч Ц.Элбэгдорж дэлхий дахины чухал асуудал болох Афганистанд болж буй үйл явдал, НАТО-гийн бүх гишүүн орон болон ОХУ-ыг пуужингийн цохиолтоос хамгаалах систем зэрэг чухал асуудлуудаар санал солилцсон.
Олон улсын чухал уулзалтанд оролцохын хажуугаар цаг зав гарган Португал улсад сурч, ажиллаж амьдарч буй иргэдтэйгээ ерөнхийлөгч Ц.Элбэгдорж уулзлаа. Ерөнхийлөгчийн хамгийн түрүүнд сонирхсон асуулт нь хүн ам, орон сууцны тооллогод оролцсон эсэхийг иргэдээсээ асуусан юм. Португалд амьдарч буй иргэд орон сууц, хүн амын тооллогод интернетээр идэвхтэй оролцсоноо илтгэв. Мөн уулзалтын үеэр гадаадад амьдарч буй монголчуудын сонгуулийн эрх, хоёр иргэншил, уул уурхай байгаль орчныг бохирдуулж буй асуудлаар ярилцлаа.
Уулзалтанд Монгол улсаас Бельги улсад суугаа Элчин сайд А.Баттөр, Гадаад харилцааны Яамны бодлогын зөвлөх Л.Пүрэвсүрэн нар байлцлаа.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Cristo Rei
Looking at Lisbon on the south side of river Tejo, the Cristo Rei stands with his open arm protecting Lisbon. It has been there for fifty years and enjoys receiving touritst and believers.
Yesterday, I was there as a taxi driver or a tour guide and had a chance to take photos.
Yesterday, I was there as a taxi driver or a tour guide and had a chance to take photos.
The weather was great, clouds added some drama because last couple of days we had rain on and off. This is the Lisbon's symbol 25 April bridge. In 1974 Portuguese through the totalitarian Salazar regime on 25 April.
Lisbon really looked fantastic from other side of the river. On the right bottom corner of the photo you can see the monument for the Portuguese navigators.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
NATO summit
This weekend Lisbon is going to held NATO summit. It is estimated that three thousand foreigners will visit Lisbon during these days. One third of these people are Obama's people. Twenty eight nations head will come to Lisbon and one of them the Mongolian president Ts.Elbegdorj.
Security is getting very tight around Lisbon and Oeiras area, where the NATO's headquarter. This afternoon many helicopters circled around my house and I saw some police with metal detectors next to a shopping centre near NATO.
Anti-NATO demonstration will be on Saturday 20 November at Lisbon's main avenue.
According to Destak, Portugal is the only country pays to NATO to having its headquarter. It costs to the Portuguese government 600,000 euros per year. I thought it should be other way around.
Security is getting very tight around Lisbon and Oeiras area, where the NATO's headquarter. This afternoon many helicopters circled around my house and I saw some police with metal detectors next to a shopping centre near NATO.
Anti-NATO demonstration will be on Saturday 20 November at Lisbon's main avenue.
According to Destak, Portugal is the only country pays to NATO to having its headquarter. It costs to the Portuguese government 600,000 euros per year. I thought it should be other way around.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Making Mongolian food
I do not make much Mongolian food at home but last night I decided to make some khuushuur, fried dumplings. Usually, I make potato khuushuur but I did not have potatoes and it was Sunday evening, everything was closed. Potato khuushuur does not take much time to fry. Luckily, I had some minced beef in the freezer. I made a dough, flour mixed with plain yougurt, melted butter and some water, which is not really Mongolian way. Typical dough would be just water and flour.
My two little darlings were interested in helping or just playing next to me. I showed to my DD1 how to make her first ever khuushuur. She was very proud that she made her first one and wondered off. I had to make rest! After some time I am sure I will have great helper. DD1 is now 4 years old and learning how to write. Some day ago she asked me how to write bansh, boiled dumplings. When we were this summer in Mongolia she wanted to eat only bansh in restaurants.
DD2 always copies whatever older sister does and she wanted roll a dough. Here they are working hard and helping mummy, correction, learning how to help me in the future. Our dog is not allowed to enter kitchen, I am sure if he enteres he would help to eat all khuushuur. Once we left on the kitchen worktop leftover roasted chicken, he helped himself.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Sewing for money
I do not know when I started sewing. I remember that once my grandmother told me that I cut her new deel - a traditional Mongolian costume, into pieces. I cannot remember how old I was and why I did. Maybe I was trying to sew something out of it. Anyway, before starting to sew something you have to cut fabrics, don't you? I loved her old Singer sewing machine with pedal too. I always wished to have my grandmother's old machine. It worked for many years and was moved from one place to another at least twice a year because of Mongolian nomadic life style. I think, as my uncle's wife told me, it still sews.
At school I learnt to knit and continued sewing little things. After finishing my secondary school I wanted to be a fashion designer. But this did not happen. I do not think it will happen now either, but meantime I am sewing something else.
Now after sitting for many years at home with masters degree I am learning new things and teaching how to make bags and quilts. These little purses I made from Japanese fabrics and many people like to learn how to make them.
I started quilting 4 years ago after my DD1 was born. I tent to make a very easy and quick quilts that would not take too many hours sitting behind sewing machine. This is one of my quilt, kaleidoscope, did not take ages to make but still looks fantastic on my bed.
I started a spiral quilt this summer with help of my American friend Vicki. Looks complicated but it is not. All the fabric pre-laser-cut. I just had to follow instructions to join them together. Now this work in progress because I have to find some colourful fabric to continue to make a single bed quilt.
At school I learnt to knit and continued sewing little things. After finishing my secondary school I wanted to be a fashion designer. But this did not happen. I do not think it will happen now either, but meantime I am sewing something else.
Now after sitting for many years at home with masters degree I am learning new things and teaching how to make bags and quilts. These little purses I made from Japanese fabrics and many people like to learn how to make them.
I started quilting 4 years ago after my DD1 was born. I tent to make a very easy and quick quilts that would not take too many hours sitting behind sewing machine. This is one of my quilt, kaleidoscope, did not take ages to make but still looks fantastic on my bed.
I started a spiral quilt this summer with help of my American friend Vicki. Looks complicated but it is not. All the fabric pre-laser-cut. I just had to follow instructions to join them together. Now this work in progress because I have to find some colourful fabric to continue to make a single bed quilt.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Ном унших хобби мөн үү
Саяхан би португал хэлний курсэд элсээд, эхний хичээлдээ очлоо. Энд амьдардаг гадаад хүүхнүүд, ганц залуу нийлээд арваад хүн нэг ангид оржээ. Багш маань гэж нас намбатай, мозамбикт төрсөн, харин 1974 оны Португалд гарсан хувьсгалын дараа тус орон колони орнуудаа алдахад эцэг эхийнхээ төрсөн газар амьдрахаар ирсэн нэгэн байлаа.
Хичээл эхлээд бид өөр өөрсдийгөө танилцуулахдаа хаана төрсөн, юу хийдэг, яагаад португалд ирж амьдрах болсон мөн юу хийх дуртай тухайгаа португалиар ээрэн байж, алдаа мадагтай ярьж гарсан юм.
Бараг бүгд л миний хобби бол ном унших гээд л байх юм. Миний хувьд үүнтэй санал нийлсэнгүй, яагаад гэвэл хүн болгон өөрийгөө хөгжүүлж, сэтгэн бодож байхын тулд заавал ном уншиж байх хэрэгтэй. Гэхдээ зөвхөн уран зохиолын ном уншихдаа гол нь биш л дээ. Хэрвээ уран зохиолын номыг уншихдаа зөвхөн тухайн үйл явдлыг цаашид хэрхэн өрнөхийг мэдэхийн тулд биш харин зохиогчийнх нь үг хэллэгийг хэрхэн сонгосныг олж авах нь чухал л даа.
Миний хувьд бол уран зохиолын өгүүллэг, тууж, роман голлон уншаад байх нь бараг байдаггүй. Хэдийгээр аавынхаа хэдэн романыг болон бусад монгол болон гадаадын алдартай романуудыг уншсан боловч түүх, хүмүүсийн намтрыг илүү унших сонирхолтой байдаг юм.
Би ганц номын дуустал нь уншаад дараачийн номыг авч уншдаггүй. Ялангуяа манай гэрийн өрөө болгонд л миний уншиж буй номнууд бий. Одоогоор, түүхийн холбогдолтой англи, монгол хэлээр хоёр ном, монголын зохиолчдын дурдатгал, монголын зохиолчдын өгүүллэгийн түүврийг уншиж байна.
Харин ном уншаагүй цагаараа бол юм оёох их дуртай, бүр хэтрээд байгаа юм. Би бодохдоо их дэмий хобби гэж боддог юм. Яагаад гэвэл зүв зүгээр байсан даавууг жижигхэн жижигхэнээр тайрч хаяад буцаагаад зүйж оёдог юм. Энэ хоббийг эхэлсэн нь бас учиртай. Нэгэн бяцхан түүх сөхөхөд, дөрвөн жилийн өмнө том охин маань төрөхөд энд амьдарч байсан нэгэн англи хүүхэн охинд маань зүймэл ширдэг гэж хэлэх юм уу даа, бэлэглэсэн юм. Түүнээс үүдээд би нээрээ оёож чаддаг юм чинь үзээд алдая гэж бодоод, салахаа больсон.
Найман жилийн өмнө Лиссабонд амьдарч байхад нэгэн иран хүүхэнтэй танилцаж түүгээр шилэн дээр буцахыг заалгасан юм. Ер нь бол өөрөө сэтгээд будах чадвар надад байхгүй л дээ, харин хүний зурсныг бол дуурайгаад зурчихдаг байсан маань энд их хэрэг болсон юм.
За бас нэгэн солонгос найзаараа азийн бийрээр зурдаг аргыг заалгаад эхэлчихсэн байсан чинь найзын маань энд амьдрах хугацаа дуусаад Өмнөд Солонгос руугаа буцчихсан.
Бүр багаасаа юм нэхдэг байж билээ. Хүүдээ нилээд хэдэн ноосон цамц нэхэж өгсөндөө. Харин одоо охиндоо нэг цамц нэхэх гээд бараг сар болж байна. Уул нь зурагтны өмнө суухдаа л хийдэг ажил л даа.
Зурагт үзнэ гэснээс, мэдээ сонсоод л болдог байлаа. Уул нь бол би дээр үед радио телевизийн сэтгүүлч хийж байсан түүх бий л дээ. Хэдэн жил зурагтгүй амьдарсны дараа нөхөр маань нэгэн төрсөн өдрөөр минь зурагт бэлэглэснээр хааяа хааяа кино үзэж цагаа нөхцөөдөг боллоо. Бэлэглэх болсон учир нь бол хүн болгонд дэлгээд байж болохгүй түүхтэй юм. Харин одоо олон ангит кино үзээд салахаа больсон. Ер нь бол ерөөсөө үзэх дургүй. Долоо хоногт хоёр цаг зурагтны өмнө сууна гэдэг маш их цаг дэмий өнгөрч байна гэсэн үг л дээ. Үүний оронд харин ном унших, юм оёох, бичих гээд ажил хийвэл хайран үнэтэй цаг гэж сүүлд нь амаа барихгүй л байх болов уу даа.
Ер нь ном унших бол миний хобби биш, харин нүд харж байгаа цагт заавал хийж байх ёстой зүйлийн нэг нь юм.
Хичээл эхлээд бид өөр өөрсдийгөө танилцуулахдаа хаана төрсөн, юу хийдэг, яагаад португалд ирж амьдрах болсон мөн юу хийх дуртай тухайгаа португалиар ээрэн байж, алдаа мадагтай ярьж гарсан юм.
Бараг бүгд л миний хобби бол ном унших гээд л байх юм. Миний хувьд үүнтэй санал нийлсэнгүй, яагаад гэвэл хүн болгон өөрийгөө хөгжүүлж, сэтгэн бодож байхын тулд заавал ном уншиж байх хэрэгтэй. Гэхдээ зөвхөн уран зохиолын ном уншихдаа гол нь биш л дээ. Хэрвээ уран зохиолын номыг уншихдаа зөвхөн тухайн үйл явдлыг цаашид хэрхэн өрнөхийг мэдэхийн тулд биш харин зохиогчийнх нь үг хэллэгийг хэрхэн сонгосныг олж авах нь чухал л даа.
Миний хувьд бол уран зохиолын өгүүллэг, тууж, роман голлон уншаад байх нь бараг байдаггүй. Хэдийгээр аавынхаа хэдэн романыг болон бусад монгол болон гадаадын алдартай романуудыг уншсан боловч түүх, хүмүүсийн намтрыг илүү унших сонирхолтой байдаг юм.
Би ганц номын дуустал нь уншаад дараачийн номыг авч уншдаггүй. Ялангуяа манай гэрийн өрөө болгонд л миний уншиж буй номнууд бий. Одоогоор, түүхийн холбогдолтой англи, монгол хэлээр хоёр ном, монголын зохиолчдын дурдатгал, монголын зохиолчдын өгүүллэгийн түүврийг уншиж байна.
Харин ном уншаагүй цагаараа бол юм оёох их дуртай, бүр хэтрээд байгаа юм. Би бодохдоо их дэмий хобби гэж боддог юм. Яагаад гэвэл зүв зүгээр байсан даавууг жижигхэн жижигхэнээр тайрч хаяад буцаагаад зүйж оёдог юм. Энэ хоббийг эхэлсэн нь бас учиртай. Нэгэн бяцхан түүх сөхөхөд, дөрвөн жилийн өмнө том охин маань төрөхөд энд амьдарч байсан нэгэн англи хүүхэн охинд маань зүймэл ширдэг гэж хэлэх юм уу даа, бэлэглэсэн юм. Түүнээс үүдээд би нээрээ оёож чаддаг юм чинь үзээд алдая гэж бодоод, салахаа больсон.
Найман жилийн өмнө Лиссабонд амьдарч байхад нэгэн иран хүүхэнтэй танилцаж түүгээр шилэн дээр буцахыг заалгасан юм. Ер нь бол өөрөө сэтгээд будах чадвар надад байхгүй л дээ, харин хүний зурсныг бол дуурайгаад зурчихдаг байсан маань энд их хэрэг болсон юм.
За бас нэгэн солонгос найзаараа азийн бийрээр зурдаг аргыг заалгаад эхэлчихсэн байсан чинь найзын маань энд амьдрах хугацаа дуусаад Өмнөд Солонгос руугаа буцчихсан.
Бүр багаасаа юм нэхдэг байж билээ. Хүүдээ нилээд хэдэн ноосон цамц нэхэж өгсөндөө. Харин одоо охиндоо нэг цамц нэхэх гээд бараг сар болж байна. Уул нь зурагтны өмнө суухдаа л хийдэг ажил л даа.
Зурагт үзнэ гэснээс, мэдээ сонсоод л болдог байлаа. Уул нь бол би дээр үед радио телевизийн сэтгүүлч хийж байсан түүх бий л дээ. Хэдэн жил зурагтгүй амьдарсны дараа нөхөр маань нэгэн төрсөн өдрөөр минь зурагт бэлэглэснээр хааяа хааяа кино үзэж цагаа нөхцөөдөг боллоо. Бэлэглэх болсон учир нь бол хүн болгонд дэлгээд байж болохгүй түүхтэй юм. Харин одоо олон ангит кино үзээд салахаа больсон. Ер нь бол ерөөсөө үзэх дургүй. Долоо хоногт хоёр цаг зурагтны өмнө сууна гэдэг маш их цаг дэмий өнгөрч байна гэсэн үг л дээ. Үүний оронд харин ном унших, юм оёох, бичих гээд ажил хийвэл хайран үнэтэй цаг гэж сүүлд нь амаа барихгүй л байх болов уу даа.
Ер нь ном унших бол миний хобби биш, харин нүд харж байгаа цагт заавал хийж байх ёстой зүйлийн нэг нь юм.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Patch-Mania's new place
Yesterday Ines opened her new shop Patch-Mania. She has now a bigger for her customers and everyone enjoyed looking around. American, British, Japanese beautiful fabrics, lots accessories, bags and many many gifts. Now she will run workshops upstairs.
Ines and Carolina were very busy dealing with customers while others had great time having drinks and nibbles.
Ines has been quilting about six years and her shop window was all in pink - a very girly! But for all her life she has been sewing because when she was a little girl her mother taught how to sew.
She made the quilt and her free motion was perfect. The shop not only sells quilting fabric but also presents, I would say it is fantastic place to buy Christmas presents from here.
Mario, a Portuguese Bernina dealer was there and his machines have perfect display in front of Ines's quilt.
Ines with her right hand man, husband |
Helen gives patchwork lessons and her daughter Sarah is already sewing |
Irene was shopping for her tiny works. At the background is Anabela, who has her own online patchwork shop and runs workshops. |
Carolina, right, she is a great helper for shoppers and she sews tiny little things with perfection! |
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Ангийн эгч шагнал авчээ
Хуучнаар бол намын дээдийн, тухайн үеийн нэрээр 1993 оныхоор бол Нийгэм судлалын Академийн сэтгүүлчийн ангид арван хүн элссэний нэг нь П.Алтанцэцэг эгч байсан юм. Уугуул нутаг Завханых, шүлэг бичдэг, ер нь манай ангийнхан надаас бусад нь бүгд шүлэг бичдэг байсан юм. Одоо ч бичиж л байгаа байх.
Алтанцэцэг эгч олон жил Монгол телевизийн босгыг элээж, олны сэтгэлд хоногшсон олон нэвтрүүлэг хийснээс үүний нэг нь болох "Алтанд мордсон эрчүүд" нэвтрүүлэг нь Балдорж сангийн тусгай шагнал хүртжээ.
Олон жил тасралтгүй нэг байгууллагад ажиллаж амжилт гаргасан ангийн эгчдээ баяр хүргэе. Шагналаа Монгол Улсын анхны ерөнхийлөгч П.Очирбатаас хүртсэн бололтой.
Алтанцэцэг эгч олон жил Монгол телевизийн босгыг элээж, олны сэтгэлд хоногшсон олон нэвтрүүлэг хийснээс үүний нэг нь болох "Алтанд мордсон эрчүүд" нэвтрүүлэг нь Балдорж сангийн тусгай шагнал хүртжээ.
Олон жил тасралтгүй нэг байгууллагад ажиллаж амжилт гаргасан ангийн эгчдээ баяр хүргэе. Шагналаа Монгол Улсын анхны ерөнхийлөгч П.Очирбатаас хүртсэн бололтой.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Advance my Portuguese
Today I had my first Portuguese lesson with many different nationalities in a next town Paco de Arcos. There were Spanish, Romanian, French, German, Danish, East Timorese, and me Mongolian.
The Portuguese government runs Portuguese for Foreigners language lessons throughout the country in secondary schools. These classes try to integrate immigrants easily to its culture and traditions. For lessons I do have to pay €40 for whole academic year.
When I first arrived in Portugal nine years ago I went to Lisbon University to learn Portuguese and unfortunately, I did not practice much after and almost have eaten everything that I learnt. Nowadays, I just tell people that I have a very good shopping Portuguese and can understand newspaper headlines.
These means that I have broken Portuguese. I do have ability to explain myself but if conversation flow I might do not understand much.
The Portuguese government runs Portuguese for Foreigners language lessons throughout the country in secondary schools. These classes try to integrate immigrants easily to its culture and traditions. For lessons I do have to pay €40 for whole academic year.
Poet Luis Gamoes
I will have lessons twice a week for an hour and half each and hopefully, at the end of the year I will revise my Portuguese and speak quite well. When I first arrived in Portugal nine years ago I went to Lisbon University to learn Portuguese and unfortunately, I did not practice much after and almost have eaten everything that I learnt. Nowadays, I just tell people that I have a very good shopping Portuguese and can understand newspaper headlines.
These means that I have broken Portuguese. I do have ability to explain myself but if conversation flow I might do not understand much.
Poet Fernando Pessoa
Now, fingers crossed and vamos falar Portuguese! Who knows I might be good on my forth language one day! After that I can learn French!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
This summer I met a friend in Mongolia and for the occasion he gave me his book about his biography. He is about fifty years old but already published his boigraphy and other numerous books. I read his two books and he writes well that his readers have to read from front to back. His name is Bayarkhuu Dashdorj. I am putting his interview about his hobby. I was lucky to contribute a bit to his grand collection and still have to send him couple of Portuguese escudos.
Ambassador Bayarkhuu Dashdorj from Mongolia was invited as a guest to the Arabic Republic of Egypt. We introduce him as a numismatist with a rich collection of notes and coins from ‘almost 190 countries’ (actually 187 countries). Therefore we invited him via online to visit our magazine office for a brief but interesting interview.
We heard that you are a famous numismatist and therefore invited you for an interview. We are hoping to get some answers to the following questions. It was interesting to note that you have a coin and note collection from ‘almost 190 countries’.
There was an exhibition of my collection at the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2006. Then my collection was published as a series by the ‘Business Times’ newspaper. Thus, people got to know me. In addition, I was interviewed by the ‘Today’ newspaper and the ‘Mongolia Today’ magazine in English.
Exactly how many notes and coins are in your collection and from which countries did they come?
At present, by June 2010, I have banknotes from 198 different countries and coins from 103 countries. I know that my banknotes number over 1 000. However, I have never counted my coins. I left most of them in Mongolia.
I am going to ask you for a brief history. When did you start collecting?
I started collecting when I was first appointed to work at the Mongolian Embassy in Beijing in 1984. I increased my collection during the 1990s when I traveled a lot. Unfortunately, in 1998 a thief stole my collection of banknotes from my home while I was working in India - I guess the coins were too heavy to handle. Since then, I have continued to collect tirelessly for 12 years.
Why did you start collecting - did someone encourage you or did you inherit?
I used to be a curious boy when I was young. My father left me his postage stamps and medals. However, I did not continue that collection but finally chose coin collecting. I had opportunities to collect coins as I am a diplomat and traveled to foreign countries more than other people did.
What were your first notes and coins? Were they precious and historic?
On arriving in Beijing I collected Ten ‘red’ Yuan, Waihui Juan (foreign exchange certificates) surrogate currency, as well as Hong Kong and Macau dollars. I added to this when I visited Hungary in 1987 but lost them all in 1998. You could describe them as ‘Precious and Historic’ and as a ‘magnificent collection’. I recognized that it was the hobby for the elite. According to history a long time ago, Caesar Augustus of Rome liked collecting. In addition, many European kings and saints were collectors.
Is it bulky to keep such a collection? Where and how do you keep the banknotes? Are there any methods for storing? Do you have some of your collection near you?
Since the theft I never leave them. Of course, I have them with me for a long time staying in foreign countries. I use no special storage methods as such and, as you can see from the photograph, I keep them in a simple folder. Generally, there are special albums but a practical folder has some advantages as it can include many notes. My special coin-collection album in Ulaanbaatar is as heavy as a rock.
What is gained by having such a collection?
There are many advantages. Firstly, it is an intellectual labor. Secondly, these banknotes display the history, nationality, development, politics, people, nature, ecology, flora and fauna of their countries. We can develop our knowledge by studying them and there are many banknote experts in western countries. We can study some of those professions and, in addition, we can become money historians. We also get intellectual satisfaction. We will relate more closely to foreigners and become friends through our collecting and investigating. We will learn collection technology and management and then we will have to perfect these. My understanding is that sharing is the main idea of collections. Therefore, I enjoy collecting and sharing items on the basis of enthusiastic friendship, rather than trading, so it will moreover strengthen mutual understanding and friendships.
How many countries have you visited and collected from?
If you are asking about the number ‘187’, I have been to over 40 countries on official visits. Then, how this became ‘187’ is interesting. I have also bought or exchanged notes from other countries. But there is not only one type of note for a country. For example: Germany includes the three countries - Kaiser Germany - the Federal Republic of Germany - and the old Socialist Germany. Japan includes the Second World War’s Japan and the modern Japan. In addition to that, Brazil and Peru have twice changed their currency units. Thus, the number increased to ‘187’.
Are there any rare coins and notes and which ones do you have?
I cannot say exactly as I do not have them in Cairo. However, I have some examples of banknotes, such as Kaiser Germany’s 1914 Mark, the 1931 French Frank, and the 1944 Netherlands Rupee, Japanese Dollars that were used in their conquered countries during the Second World War, the Japanese Rupee, 100 Rubles like unfolded notebooks from 100 years ago, 1930 Chinese Dollars, etc. Franks, Liras, Marks, Gulden and Escudo are all considered rare. In addition, I have Zimbabwean Dollars currently in use. I also have 50 million and even 50 billion notes which are considered the rarest notes. Iraqi 250 notes and Tunisian 30 notes are also interesting as these have become extremely rare. The old Turkish I million Lira banknote is also rare. I have all of these.
How about the most valuable and most attractive examples?
Our family visited Rome winter of 2009 for a holiday. During that time, I bought and exchanged over 70 currency notes. There are 7 currency exchanges around the Termini Railway Station in the center of Rome. There is an exchange outlet called the Cambio. I spent a lot buying currency notes from Zaire, Surinam, and Turkmenistan at the ‘Dom Knigi’ souvenir chamber in Moscow. There is usually no way to buy such valuable items, and I exchanged most of these for Mongolian Tögrög. Our 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500, 1000 Tögrög notes are very useful. In addition to that, I have foreign currency note reserves which I also use for exchanges. As to attractiveness - every country’s currency notes are attractive, only differing from each other by what the note represents. It seems that Latin American and African currency notes are too patchy to be attractive.
Did you mention Tögrög 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 currency notes? That is wonderful.
Yes, I keep these in packets and take them wherever I go for exchanges.
I took part in the ‘Hawaiian Collectors 16th Annual Expo’ during 2006. I advertised and sold some Tögrög. I had some 10, 20 50 Tögrög notes but was short of 500, 1000 Tögrög notes. They do not know about Mongolia and our Tögrög was accepted as rare. I received many Kaiser Germany’s 1914 Marks in exchange for 10, 20, 50 Tögrög notes. This person had enough Marks and needed Tögrög. This way I exchanged a lot in Bangkok, Berlin, Geneva, London, Rome, Kuwait, Beirut and Cairo.
How well do you stay connected with other countries’ collectors?
I am a member of the International Bank Note Society (IBNS) that has 1 700 members in more than 90 countries. I do not know of other Mongolian members but can get this information when I receive their directory of this year. The organization publishes IBNS Journals that contain all the information and it has its own website that can be entered freely to get information. I have ordered and read a copy of the 1961-Present Directory on World Paper Money, which includes information on all countries’ money with pictures.
I have many numismatist friends from IBNS. I always communicate with friends from England, US, Brazil, Portugal, Hong Kong, Oman, Lithuania, Croatia, Canada, France, Norway, South Africa, Finland and Vietnam via E-mail and sometimes they send me paper money by insured mail. For example: Kath and Steve from England, Dale Leslie form Hawaii, Anil Jain from Hong Kong, Alexandre Costa from Brazil, Greta Minikevičiutė from Lithuania, and Tomislav Rajkovic from Croatia,etc.
Also in Cairo alone more than 30 diplomats with the same hobby are my friends. We talk about establishing a coin collectors’ club in the diplomatic corps. Some of these friends will leave their collections to their children. I have my own way of collecting them. The Angolan Ambassador in Abu Dhabi and Ambassador of Bhutan in Al-Kuwait have contributed to my collection. Swimming club friends, such Godson Ogbonna from Johannesburg, Vahid Tofighi from Iran, are also keen collectors. I also have Egyptian friends, even in the Foreign Affairs Ministry. These are the heads of departments and Ambassadors who support my collection.
Do you have relatives who have such a collection?
None. Nevertheless, some of my friends support me by donating banknotes or coins collected when they travel abroad on diplomatic service. Even my students working in Europe, US, Australia, Emirates and Turkey send me money. In addition, I hope that after this interview people will donate to me.
Sorry to ask this but, if you were to sell your collection, how much would it cost? You may sometime have to make such a decision.
I will never sell my collection. I will leave it to my youngest son. I cannot say how much it would cost - I think it would not be that much but perhaps its value will increase sharply in say 10 or 20 years time.
Have you ever felt sorry for not buying a coin or paper money, or for losing some?
Almost none - I felt sorry for once in 1998 when I lost the whole collection that I had collected so tirelessly. Sometimes, I feel sorry for not collecting all the notes before changing them for Euro. Nevertheless, if I search I might find them again. I found Portuguese Escudos, French Franks, Italian Liras and Irish Pounds during the last half year.
Do you have other hobbies?
I like swimming, photography and filming. My father was a famous director and moviemaker and my mother was a photographer and I make films about my family history. I started swimming in the sea after arriving in Hawaii during 2006. I like collecting clams, shells, whelks, oysters, cockles and rocks from the deep sea (Red Sea). I have compared seashells collected from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Swimming in the sea and being hit by waves is wonderful. Do you know how interesting it is when dolphins swim near you? This is the most wonderful hobby for all men.
Thank you for this interesting interview. May your collection increase!
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Japanese bags
This is another bag for my Japanese collection. I bought the fabric some years ago in France. This is a quite easy one to make it and I was happy to use one of my favourite fabrics.
These months I have been making and teaching how to make bags with metal frames at Ines's shop in Oeiras. Many of the bags are made of fabric with Japanese motifs because my friend Ai-chan gave me this summer.
Here are my little bags for my mobile and cosmetics. The mobile bag is a little for iphone, if I get an iphone in the future, fingers crossed, I have to make another one.
And a little evening bag
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Shopping until midnight
It seems that the Portuguese capital offers customers shopping until midnight in September. I remember when I lived in Rua de Sao Bento, once a year for three nights this street's antique shops were open until midnight. People would shop for antiques while seeing special performances such as dancers and singers.
Maybe because of this tradition, the shops in Avenida da Liberdade, Rua Castilho and Chiado will be open on 9 September from 7pm until midnight. According to Follow me Lisboa, shops will offer competitive prices together with lots of entertainment.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Casa pia, child abuse case in Portugal
Since I arrived in Portugal there were always news about Casa Pia in Portuguese media. Casa Pia is the state run orphanese in Lisbon. Unfortunately, many years some famous and well known people abused boys from this place.
Finally, today six child abuses are convicted for their wrong doing.
Six men jailed for Portugal child sex abuse
The six convicted of abuse include Portuguese TV presenter Carlos Cruz Six Portuguese men have been jailed after they were found guilty of sexual abuse at a state-run children's home.
Carlos Silvino was given an 18-year sentence after confessing to 639 charges relating to the abuse of children or procuring them for others.
His co-defendants, including the former TV presenter Carlos Cruz, were jailed for between five and seven years.
The boys, now aged between 16 and 22, were all residents at the Casa Pia children's home in the capital, Lisbon.
The panel of three judges in the case spent most of the day reading the full verdict in each of the hundreds of sexual abuse accusations.
After ruling that the vast majority of the charges had been proven, they handed down guilty verdicts to six of the seven people on trial.
Silvino, a 54-year-old former driver for Casa Pia who abused boys on hundreds of occasions and later offered them to other men for cash, was convicted on all charges.
Cruz and Joao Ferreira Diniz, a doctor, were each given seven-year sentences, while retired ambassador Jorge Ritto got six years and eight months.
Hugo Marcal, a lawyer, was sentenced to six years and two months, while former Casa Pia governor Manuel Abrantes was sentenced to five years and nine months.
But Gertrudes Nunes, a woman who was alleged to have allowed her house in Elvas to be used by the abusers, was acquitted on all charges.
The six had denied the allegations and said their lives had been ruined.
"This is one of the most monstrous judicial mistakes in Portuguese history," Cruz said, dismissing the verdict as built on "lies and manipulation" and part of a "vendetta" against him.
One of the victims, Bernardo Teixeira, hailed the sentences.
"It was very good to hear our names as a proven fact, and to know that really somebody believes us, principally the panel of judges," he told RTP Internacional TV.
"People said we were lying, that it was all made up, and so it is very healthy and positive for us finally to have proof that we were not lying."
Another victim, Bernardo Tavares, said: "It is difficult, but... when we hear our name linked to proven facts this gives us more strength."
"There is anxiety, tensions are running high in there, our seats are probably the hottest because we have waited many years for this day. It is one of the days we have most looked forward to, the day when finally justice will be done and when finally those who have committed crimes will be sentenced for them."
Pedro Namora, a lawyer and former pupil who helped expose the scandal in 2002, earlier said: "I hope this day will allow us to show the country that the boys have told the truth from the start."
"These men have to be condemned, they committed barbarous crimes against humanity."
The case is one of the longest-running in Portuguese history, lasting more than five years, with testimony from more than 800 witnesses and experts.
During the trial, the 32 victims gave gruesome testimony about being raped by adults in dark cellars, cars and secluded houses.
"Some of the accounts could be considered pornographic," the lead judge, Ana Peres, told the courtroom on Friday.
One of the victims, now in his early 20s, was so seriously abused that he was now incontinent, a lawyer told the BBC.
Almost all of them identified their abusers by pointing them out in the courtroom.
However, the BBC's Sarah Rainsford in Lisbon says it is thought that there may be many other victims who are still too frightened to speak out.
Abuse at Casa Pia is said to have started in the mid-1970s, but was not discovered until 2002 The abuse at Casa Pia is said to have started in the mid-1970s, but was not discovered until 2002, when the mother of a boy placed at a state-run home in Lisbon said he had been abused by staff there.
Casa Pia, or Pious House, is a 230-year-old institution which cares for about 4,500 orphans and underprivileged children through a network of homes and schools.
This case is not the only one spawned by the investigation that began in 2002.
Seven other trials have already run their course, with some of those found guilty themselves former Casa Pia pupils.
In March 2006, a court ordered the Portuguese government to pay 2m euros (£1.66m) in compensation to 44 former Casa
September 2002: Mother of one boy tells police he has been sexually abused by a former Casa Pia driver and gardener, Carlos Silvino
November 2002: Journalist Felicia Cabrita reveals the scandal in Expresso newspaper
February 2003: Social workers say they have uncovered 130 cases of child abuse at the main Casa Pia home, dating back to the 1970s
December 2003: Prosecutors charge 10 people with the sexual abuse of children at Casa Pia, including several celebrities and top officials
June 2004: Judge throws out charges against three suspects, including a leading politician
November 2004: Six men and one woman go on trial, accused of sexually abusing 32 children
May 2005: The 32 victims starting giving evidence
March 2006: Court orders the government to pay 2m euros in compensation to 44 former Casa Pia residents, saying it had failed to protect them
September 2010: Six men are convicted and sentenced to between five and 18 years in prison
Finally, today six child abuses are convicted for their wrong doing.
Six men jailed for Portugal child sex abuse
The six convicted of abuse include Portuguese TV presenter Carlos Cruz Six Portuguese men have been jailed after they were found guilty of sexual abuse at a state-run children's home.
Carlos Silvino was given an 18-year sentence after confessing to 639 charges relating to the abuse of children or procuring them for others.
His co-defendants, including the former TV presenter Carlos Cruz, were jailed for between five and seven years.
The boys, now aged between 16 and 22, were all residents at the Casa Pia children's home in the capital, Lisbon.
The panel of three judges in the case spent most of the day reading the full verdict in each of the hundreds of sexual abuse accusations.
After ruling that the vast majority of the charges had been proven, they handed down guilty verdicts to six of the seven people on trial.
Silvino, a 54-year-old former driver for Casa Pia who abused boys on hundreds of occasions and later offered them to other men for cash, was convicted on all charges.
Cruz and Joao Ferreira Diniz, a doctor, were each given seven-year sentences, while retired ambassador Jorge Ritto got six years and eight months.
Hugo Marcal, a lawyer, was sentenced to six years and two months, while former Casa Pia governor Manuel Abrantes was sentenced to five years and nine months.
But Gertrudes Nunes, a woman who was alleged to have allowed her house in Elvas to be used by the abusers, was acquitted on all charges.
The six had denied the allegations and said their lives had been ruined.
"This is one of the most monstrous judicial mistakes in Portuguese history," Cruz said, dismissing the verdict as built on "lies and manipulation" and part of a "vendetta" against him.
One of the victims, Bernardo Teixeira, hailed the sentences.
"It was very good to hear our names as a proven fact, and to know that really somebody believes us, principally the panel of judges," he told RTP Internacional TV.
"People said we were lying, that it was all made up, and so it is very healthy and positive for us finally to have proof that we were not lying."
Another victim, Bernardo Tavares, said: "It is difficult, but... when we hear our name linked to proven facts this gives us more strength."
"There is anxiety, tensions are running high in there, our seats are probably the hottest because we have waited many years for this day. It is one of the days we have most looked forward to, the day when finally justice will be done and when finally those who have committed crimes will be sentenced for them."
Pedro Namora, a lawyer and former pupil who helped expose the scandal in 2002, earlier said: "I hope this day will allow us to show the country that the boys have told the truth from the start."
"These men have to be condemned, they committed barbarous crimes against humanity."
The case is one of the longest-running in Portuguese history, lasting more than five years, with testimony from more than 800 witnesses and experts.
During the trial, the 32 victims gave gruesome testimony about being raped by adults in dark cellars, cars and secluded houses.
"Some of the accounts could be considered pornographic," the lead judge, Ana Peres, told the courtroom on Friday.
One of the victims, now in his early 20s, was so seriously abused that he was now incontinent, a lawyer told the BBC.
Almost all of them identified their abusers by pointing them out in the courtroom.
However, the BBC's Sarah Rainsford in Lisbon says it is thought that there may be many other victims who are still too frightened to speak out.
Abuse at Casa Pia is said to have started in the mid-1970s, but was not discovered until 2002 The abuse at Casa Pia is said to have started in the mid-1970s, but was not discovered until 2002, when the mother of a boy placed at a state-run home in Lisbon said he had been abused by staff there.
Casa Pia, or Pious House, is a 230-year-old institution which cares for about 4,500 orphans and underprivileged children through a network of homes and schools.
This case is not the only one spawned by the investigation that began in 2002.
Seven other trials have already run their course, with some of those found guilty themselves former Casa Pia pupils.
In March 2006, a court ordered the Portuguese government to pay 2m euros (£1.66m) in compensation to 44 former Casa
September 2002: Mother of one boy tells police he has been sexually abused by a former Casa Pia driver and gardener, Carlos Silvino
November 2002: Journalist Felicia Cabrita reveals the scandal in Expresso newspaper
February 2003: Social workers say they have uncovered 130 cases of child abuse at the main Casa Pia home, dating back to the 1970s
December 2003: Prosecutors charge 10 people with the sexual abuse of children at Casa Pia, including several celebrities and top officials
June 2004: Judge throws out charges against three suspects, including a leading politician
November 2004: Six men and one woman go on trial, accused of sexually abusing 32 children
May 2005: The 32 victims starting giving evidence
March 2006: Court orders the government to pay 2m euros in compensation to 44 former Casa Pia residents, saying it had failed to protect them
September 2010: Six men are convicted and sentenced to between five and 18 years in prison
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Ж.Бямба, Эргэх хорвоогийн жам
Саяхан сарын хугацаагаар төрсөн нутагтаа очоод ирлээ. Есөн жилийн
дараа хийсэн аялал маань долоохон хоногийн өмнө дууссан юм. Монголд байх
хугацаандаа нэг их амрах тухай биш харин цаашид хийх судалгааныхаа ажилд
хэрэгтэй ном худалдаж авах, таньж мэддэг хүмүүсээс аавынхаа тухай асууж лавлах
гээд амрах чөлөө бараг гарсангүй.
Энэ аяллын маань нэг зорилго бол Сэлэнгэпресс хэвлэлийн газрын ерөнхий редактор Ч.Наранцэцэгтэй уулзах явдал байсан юм. Түүнээс тухайн хэвлэлийн газраас аавын гурван роман болох Хорвоогийн Өнгө, Энэрэлгүй Хорвоо, Үнэний Хорвоо хэрхэн зарагдаж байгааг лавласан юм. Романууд гайгүй зарагдаж байгаа, дахин хэвлэсэн тухайгаа ч хэлсэн. Наранцэцэг номын дэлгүүрүүдээр орохдоо ном хэрхэн зарагдаж байгааг худалдагч нараас сураглахад, ихэнхдээ романуудыг мэддэг хүмүүс худалдаж авдгыг хэлж өгдөг гэж билээ.
2006 онд Ч.Наранцэцэг миний ээж М.Сэндэнтэй гэрээ хийж аавын гурван романыг хэвлэх зөвшөөрөл аваад хэвлүүлжээ. Түүний дурссанаар бол, Монгол орон нэг намын системд байх үед уншигчдын гар дээр очиж, тухайн үедээ бестселлер болж байсан номнуудыг дахин хэвлэж уншигчдын гарт хүргэх зорилготой гэнэ. Ингээд миний ээжийг хэдэн сарын туршид ёстой л мөрдөн байцаагч шиг хайж байж олж авсан гэнэ билээ. Наранцэцгийн уйгагүй эрэн сурвалжилсны хүчинд гурван хорвоо хэвлэгдэн уншигчдын гар дээр дахин очжээ.
Хорвоогийн Өнгө роман бол аавын бичсэн анхны роман байсан юм. Я.Баатар
ахын хэлснээр бол Улсын их Дэлгүүрийн зүүн талын номын дэлгүүрт очиход нь урт
дараалал үүсэн дорхноо зарагдаж дууссан гэдэг. Анх 1971 онд хэвлэгдэж,
тухайн үедээ буруу үзэл суртал, өнгө
мөнгөний хорвоог өөгшүүлсэн зохиолын тоонд орж, МАХН-ын бүгд хурлаар
хүртэл нэр заагдан шүүмжлэгдэж байсан зохиол билээ. Энэ бол аавын анхны
монголын утга зохиолын ертөнцөд тэсрэлт хийсэн анхны роман байсан юм. Үүн дээр нэмж хэлэхэд, анхны тууж болох Талын
цэцэг нь Ардын хувьсгалын 40 жилийн ойд зориулан зарласан үргэлжилсэн үгийн
бүтээлд шалгарч 2-р байранд орж байсан юм. Тэгвэл анхны роман нь уншигчдын дунд
бестселлер болсон.
Энэрэлгүй Хорвоо роман 1980 онд 28 000 хувь хэвлэгдэж мөн адил эрэл сурал болдог номыг нэг байсан. Тухайн үедээ 4 төгрөг 20 мөнгөөр зарагдаж байжээ. Уг роман аавыг Москва хотын Горькийн нэрэмжит утга зохиолын дээд сургуульд суралцаж байхад хэвлэгдэж Улаанбаатарт байгаа биднийг хоёр жил тэжээсэн ном билээ.
Үнэний Хорвоо роман 1984 онд хэвлэгдэж аав бид тавыг \ээж, дөрвөн хүүхдээ\ номны мөнгө буусан гэж Москва ресторанд хоол идүүлснийг би санаж байна. Уг номын мөнгөөр надад мөнгөн бөгж, хүзүүний зүүлт авч өгсөн нь одоо ч надад бий.
Үнэний Хорвоо роман хэвлэгдэхэд дахин бестселлер болсон юм. Бас ч үгүй тэр үедээ анх удаа монголын нийгэмд оршиж буй бэртэгчин, зальжин, хүүхэн эргүүлсэн, мөнгөний төлөө явдаг сайд нарыг шүүмжилсэн роман болж НТХ-ны тогтоолд орж, "Үнэн" сонин тус романы тухай шүүмж бичих даалгаврыг утга зохиолын шүүмжлэгч нарт өгч байсан зохиол юм.
Тухайн үед Монголын Зохиолчдын Холбооны дарга байсан Д.Цэдэв ахын яриагаар бол Барилгын Яамныхан Намын Төв Хороонд гомдол гаргахдаа, манай яамны сайдын өрөөг яг биччихсэн байна гэсэн гэдэг. Уг романд Барилгын яамны орлогч сайд Мондоон, түүнийг хүрээлэн буй бялдууч нарын тухай гардаг юм. Уул нь орлогч сайд биш жинхэнэ сайдын тухай бичих гэхэд нь төрийн сайд намын үзэл сурталд таараагүй үйл хийж болохгүй гэж хэлүүлээд аав романдаа орлогч сайдын дүр бүтээжээ. Д.Байгальсайханы \Улаанбаатар Их Сургуулийн захирал\ дүгнэлтээр бол уг роман аавын гурван хорвоогоос үг хэллэг, найрлагын хувьд хамгийн сайн болсон гэж надад хэлсэн. Иймээс аавын романууд монголын уран зохиолын ертөнцөд том байр эзлэдэг юм.
Энэ роман хэвлэгдэн гарсны дараа сайд, дарга нарын гол дүрийг Д.Гармаагийн "Зааны ясан өргөө", Доржготовын "Тэнгэр дуугарахын өмнө" зэрэг романууд бичигдэх боломж олд
Шинэ онд Сэлэнгэпресс хэвлэлийн газар аавын Заяа Тавилан романыг хэвлэх гэж байна. Уг романд Эрдэнэт хотын бүтээн байгуулалтанд оролцож залуучуудын амьдралыг харуулсан байдаг юм. Аав романаа Учралт Хорвоо гэж нэрлэх байсан боловч найз нар нь "Чи дандаа л Хорвоотой нэр өгч байх юм гэж" ятгаснаар Заяа Тавилан гэдэг нэртэй хэвлэн гаргаж билээ. 1989 онд энэ роман хэвлэгдэхэд нилээд хэдэн Заяа, Тавилан нэртэй номнууд хэвлэгдэж гарахад аав бухимдуухан байсан юм. Ямар сайндаа л өөрийнхөө бодож явсан нэрээ л өгдөг байж гэж халаглаж байхав дээ.
Заяа Тавиланд хорвоотой нэр оноосон оноогоогүй аавыг хүмүүс аль хэзээний "Хорвоо Бямба" гэж дууддаг болчихсон байсан үе л дээ. Өөр нэг "хорвоо" гарчиггүй өөр нэг роман бичсэн нь Их Аяныхан байлаа. 1977 онд хэвлэгдэн гарч уншигчдын дуртай нэгэн роман болж чадсанаар барахгүй, тээврийн жолооч нарын тухай бичсэн анхны томоохон бүтээл болсон юм. Ч.Давгадорж ах, энэ романыг ажилчин ангийн дүрийг бүтээсэн чанартай зохиол болсон гэж үнэлсэн.
Аав минь амьдралдаа таван роман бичсэнээс 2 нь тухайн үедээ маш том шуугиан тарьж, бусад гурав нь бестселлер болж байсан юм. Үүгээрээ ч Зуун дамжигдан уншигдаж буй романы тоонд орж, аавын монголын уран зохиолын түүхэнд оруулсан хувь нэмэр нь одоогоор бага ч болов бичигдэж байна.
Энэ аяллын маань нэг зорилго бол Сэлэнгэпресс хэвлэлийн газрын ерөнхий редактор Ч.Наранцэцэгтэй уулзах явдал байсан юм. Түүнээс тухайн хэвлэлийн газраас аавын гурван роман болох Хорвоогийн Өнгө, Энэрэлгүй Хорвоо, Үнэний Хорвоо хэрхэн зарагдаж байгааг лавласан юм. Романууд гайгүй зарагдаж байгаа, дахин хэвлэсэн тухайгаа ч хэлсэн. Наранцэцэг номын дэлгүүрүүдээр орохдоо ном хэрхэн зарагдаж байгааг худалдагч нараас сураглахад, ихэнхдээ романуудыг мэддэг хүмүүс худалдаж авдгыг хэлж өгдөг гэж билээ.
2006 онд Ч.Наранцэцэг миний ээж М.Сэндэнтэй гэрээ хийж аавын гурван романыг хэвлэх зөвшөөрөл аваад хэвлүүлжээ. Түүний дурссанаар бол, Монгол орон нэг намын системд байх үед уншигчдын гар дээр очиж, тухайн үедээ бестселлер болж байсан номнуудыг дахин хэвлэж уншигчдын гарт хүргэх зорилготой гэнэ. Ингээд миний ээжийг хэдэн сарын туршид ёстой л мөрдөн байцаагч шиг хайж байж олж авсан гэнэ билээ. Наранцэцгийн уйгагүй эрэн сурвалжилсны хүчинд гурван хорвоо хэвлэгдэн уншигчдын гар дээр дахин очжээ.
гурван хорвоо- Хорвоогийн Өнгө, Энэрэлгүй Хорвоо, Үнэний Хорвоо
Энэрэлгүй Хорвоо роман 1980 онд 28 000 хувь хэвлэгдэж мөн адил эрэл сурал болдог номыг нэг байсан. Тухайн үедээ 4 төгрөг 20 мөнгөөр зарагдаж байжээ. Уг роман аавыг Москва хотын Горькийн нэрэмжит утга зохиолын дээд сургуульд суралцаж байхад хэвлэгдэж Улаанбаатарт байгаа биднийг хоёр жил тэжээсэн ном билээ.
Үнэний Хорвоо роман 1984 онд хэвлэгдэж аав бид тавыг \ээж, дөрвөн хүүхдээ\ номны мөнгө буусан гэж Москва ресторанд хоол идүүлснийг би санаж байна. Уг номын мөнгөөр надад мөнгөн бөгж, хүзүүний зүүлт авч өгсөн нь одоо ч надад бий.
Үнэний Хорвоо роман хэвлэгдэхэд дахин бестселлер болсон юм. Бас ч үгүй тэр үедээ анх удаа монголын нийгэмд оршиж буй бэртэгчин, зальжин, хүүхэн эргүүлсэн, мөнгөний төлөө явдаг сайд нарыг шүүмжилсэн роман болж НТХ-ны тогтоолд орж, "Үнэн" сонин тус романы тухай шүүмж бичих даалгаврыг утга зохиолын шүүмжлэгч нарт өгч байсан зохиол юм.
Зүүн гараас: С.Байгальсайхан, Д.Цэдэв, ээж,
Ч.Наранцэцэг, би
Тухайн үед Монголын Зохиолчдын Холбооны дарга байсан Д.Цэдэв ахын яриагаар бол Барилгын Яамныхан Намын Төв Хороонд гомдол гаргахдаа, манай яамны сайдын өрөөг яг биччихсэн байна гэсэн гэдэг. Уг романд Барилгын яамны орлогч сайд Мондоон, түүнийг хүрээлэн буй бялдууч нарын тухай гардаг юм. Уул нь орлогч сайд биш жинхэнэ сайдын тухай бичих гэхэд нь төрийн сайд намын үзэл сурталд таараагүй үйл хийж болохгүй гэж хэлүүлээд аав романдаа орлогч сайдын дүр бүтээжээ. Д.Байгальсайханы \Улаанбаатар Их Сургуулийн захирал\ дүгнэлтээр бол уг роман аавын гурван хорвоогоос үг хэллэг, найрлагын хувьд хамгийн сайн болсон гэж надад хэлсэн. Иймээс аавын романууд монголын уран зохиолын ертөнцөд том байр эзлэдэг юм.
Энэ роман хэвлэгдэн гарсны дараа сайд, дарга нарын гол дүрийг Д.Гармаагийн "Зааны ясан өргөө", Доржготовын "Тэнгэр дуугарахын өмнө" зэрэг романууд бичигдэх боломж олд
Шинэ онд Сэлэнгэпресс хэвлэлийн газар аавын Заяа Тавилан романыг хэвлэх гэж байна. Уг романд Эрдэнэт хотын бүтээн байгуулалтанд оролцож залуучуудын амьдралыг харуулсан байдаг юм. Аав романаа Учралт Хорвоо гэж нэрлэх байсан боловч найз нар нь "Чи дандаа л Хорвоотой нэр өгч байх юм гэж" ятгаснаар Заяа Тавилан гэдэг нэртэй хэвлэн гаргаж билээ. 1989 онд энэ роман хэвлэгдэхэд нилээд хэдэн Заяа, Тавилан нэртэй номнууд хэвлэгдэж гарахад аав бухимдуухан байсан юм. Ямар сайндаа л өөрийнхөө бодож явсан нэрээ л өгдөг байж гэж халаглаж байхав дээ.
Заяа Тавиланд хорвоотой нэр оноосон оноогоогүй аавыг хүмүүс аль хэзээний "Хорвоо Бямба" гэж дууддаг болчихсон байсан үе л дээ. Өөр нэг "хорвоо" гарчиггүй өөр нэг роман бичсэн нь Их Аяныхан байлаа. 1977 онд хэвлэгдэн гарч уншигчдын дуртай нэгэн роман болж чадсанаар барахгүй, тээврийн жолооч нарын тухай бичсэн анхны томоохон бүтээл болсон юм. Ч.Давгадорж ах, энэ романыг ажилчин ангийн дүрийг бүтээсэн чанартай зохиол болсон гэж үнэлсэн.
Аав минь амьдралдаа таван роман бичсэнээс 2 нь тухайн үедээ маш том шуугиан тарьж, бусад гурав нь бестселлер болж байсан юм. Үүгээрээ ч Зуун дамжигдан уншигдаж буй романы тоонд орж, аавын монголын уран зохиолын түүхэнд оруулсан хувь нэмэр нь одоогоор бага ч болов бичигдэж байна.
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