Monday 13 February 2012

Everyday life

One of my morning rituals is to walk our dog. He is weimaraner, wants his walks all the time.

He has been with the family seven years. For his colour we named him Tucha - a Russian word for storm cloudes.

A local restaurante just received its fish. This restaurant always says that they serve fresh fish. A guy told me that this one was caught at night near Sesimbra.

Last week was my a very productive craft week.  A friend gave me a magazine and I made this cute dog. 
 Here is a cardigan for my DD2, she is 3 years old.  It is all one piece for which I liked knitting.
Tonight was baking night. Chocolate cookie but I did not like the result.  I think my DD2 liked a lot.   

Last Saturay I went to a Norwegian family and I learnt from the husband how to make Norwegian flat bread.  Made of flakes, sunflower seeds, boiled linseed, sesame seeds, a bit of flour.  DD1 enjoyed eating it and it will be good with olive paste or cheese.


  1. Амтат бялуу боорцогныхоо жорыг тавихгүй юм уу? Түрүү жил таны лавлаж байсан жорыг энэ жилийн ул боовоо хийхдээ дэлгэж тавьсан гэж мэдэгдэх гэж бичлээ :)

  2. Баярлалаа. ФБ-ийн найзуудтайгаа бас хуваалцчихлаа. Хэрвээ сонирхвол тавьж болноо. Бөөрөнхий боов нь нэг их гоё болоогүй. Харин норвег талх их зүгээр амттай



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